Quantum Strides LLC is a breed of next generation companies, delivering cutting edge solutions in the emerging technology space. Headquartered in the Washington DC metro area, Quantum Strides specializes in Big Data Analytics, Web & Mobile application development and Software Testing as a Service (TaaS).
Quantum Strides is an early entrant in the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) arena. Our team of Big Data SME’s and Data Scientists are engaged in creating IoT solutions that help predict outcomes accurately, there by helping organizations chart appropriate course of action.
Quantum Strides also provides the full suite of services to build and deploy enterprise mobile applications. With emphasis on UI/UX design and security, we specialize in building user friendly, secure mobile applications. We support platforms including iOS, Android and Windows. Our testing practice includes mobile testing solutions in addition to providing Managed Testing Services and serving as a Testing Center for Excellence.
Additionally Quantum Strides provides training services that includes both instructors led and self-paced training programs in emerging technology. Please visit www.qslearn.com for our training programs.
Last but not the least, fortune companies around the beltway and across the nation utilize Quantum Strides ability to find and deliver top notch talent in the Information Technology as well as the Engineering domains. From Solution Architects to C level executives, Quantum Strides has helped organizations find the right talent for the job. They have a dedicated team of recruiting professionals with access to a large talent pool across the nation. They service both commercial and government clients and claim to have some very happy customers.
Learn more about us at www.quantumstrides.com